₦0.00Exchange & Returns
Randivie Exchange & Return Policy
We’re happy to accept returns & exchanges if your order does not meet your expectations, has defects or other non-compliances.
- If you need to send your item or items back, you have 14 days from the date you received your order to return them. We will collect the items from your home, work or an alternative address for free.
- Please ensure your items are returned new, unused and in new condition and must be returned in its original branded packaging and dust bags where provided, accompanied by a receipt within 14 days of purchase for exchange or refund.
- Items on clearance and on sales can not be returned.
- Gift cards can not be exchanged with cash.
- Gift Cards and Merchandise Credits can not be replaced if lost.
- Randivie reserves the right to refuse the return of products with visible signs of use, damaged, or transformed in any way.
- If you would like to exchange an item, you will need to return it and place a new order.
- If you wish to return your order, please contact our Customer Service Support at in order to arrange the return or the exchange for you.
- In case of returns, payment is sent back after the arrival of the returned product in our warehouse.
Thank you,
Randivie Team